Studying in university was a burden on me. Homework was too hard to solve and I couldn’t understand anything my teacher said. I bent over backward to improve my score but I failed. Maybe I was wrong when I chose this university to pursue. When I was in a bad mood because of my studying, I found a secret door in my house which helped me pass over all troubles in my mind. It’s in a basement where it is not easily seen. I was bewildered because I had heard about this secret door. My curiosity made me come up with a crazy idea “I will discover where it leads to” . I decided to open the door. It’s a dusty old room. I guess nothing was charming here for me to explore. Maybe I should leave this room. But I accidentally spotted a torn box. I opened the box to see what is in this. I was appalled when I found many of my photos. It contains my photo from when I was a little girl until I graduated high school. Behind all my photos, it has the sentence "My darling becomes a primary school student", "My darling wins in the sports festival at school", and "My little love achieves her goal last semester".  I'm sure that this box belongs to my mother. At the bottom of the box, I came across an old letter namely “To my angel”. I peeled off the letter and read all of it “My darling, I don’t know when you will see my letter. But whenever, it’s OK. I hope it will encourage you to overcome all difficulties in your life. Maybe you don’t know, life is never simple, there are a lot of things that don't happen at your discretion. So never give up. Going through hardship is the only way to succeed. I believe you can do it. I am always proud of you because you have performed excellently over the course of time. If you feel blue, don’t worry, I promise I will stand by you all time you need. I love you so much, my little girl. I hope all the best things will reach you. You deserve better and you can do better. P/s: Mom”. My mom had never told me directly like this but through this letter, I felt her love for me. I immediately called for my mother. She said “Why do you call me at this time? It’s strange”. I replied to her “I just want to say that I love you, mama. Thank you for everything". “What happened, my darling? Are you fine?” - my mom asked. “Nothing, mom. I will prepare our dinner tonight. Can you come back home early?”. “Of course. See you soon”. Sometimes, we could miss happiness for some reason. But sadness would fly away on the wings of time. Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. Thanks to the hidden door helped me realize that I had more than I thought.