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Unit 4: Lesson 2

Danh sách bài làm & chấm bài  
Lesson 2 Các bài giảng

I. Vocabulary

  New word Picture Part of speech Meaning
1 recycle loading... v tái chế
2 raise loading... v nuôi nấng, phát triển
3 plant loading... v trồng cây
4 donate loading... v ủng hộ, quyên góp
5 clean up loading... v dọn dẹp


II. Grammar: Past Simple for regular verbs

1. Use: Talk about completed actions, things, states

2. Form:

(+) S + V(ed)...

     Eg: We raised money to help the local charity.

(+) S + did not (didn't) + V(bare-inf)...

     Eg: He didn’t donate books last week.

(?) Did + S + V(bare-inf)...?

     - Yes, S + did.

     - No, S + didn't.

     Eg: Did you volunteer at the library yesterday?

(?)  Wh-word + did + S + V(bare-inf)...?

III. Pronunciation

/ɪd/ /t/ /d/

/t/, /d/

End: t, d

unvoiced sounds

/p/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/

End: p, k, gh, s, sh, tch

All other sounds








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